Remuneration Policy for Directors

Corporate GovernanceRemuneration Policy for Directors

Corporate Governance

Remuneration Policy for Directors

This remuneration policy (“the Policy”) is designed with the objective of attracting, retaining and motivating experienced, qualified and high calibre Directors of Amtel Holdings Berhad (“the Company”) to support and drive the business strategies, long term objectives and values of the Group. The remuneration of Directors shall take into account the demands, complexities and performance of the Company as well as the skills and experience required and at the same time shall align with shareholders’ interests.

The Remuneration Committee (“the Committee”) is responsible for developing and implementing the Policy pertaining to the remuneration for Directors, whilst the Board of Directors (“the Board”) of the Company is responsible to approve the Policy.

The remuneration of the Executive Directors is made up of Directors’ fees, meeting attendance allowance, salaries, bonus and benefits-in-kind. The determination of the remuneration is based on the executive functions, responsibilities, merits, qualification, competency and experience, as well as the contributions and performance of each Director to the business.

The remuneration of Non-Executive Directors is made up of Directors’ fees, meeting attendance allowance, medical expenses and other claimable benefits for the purpose of carrying out their duties as Non-Executive Directors. The determination of the remuneration for Non-Executive Directors are based on their experience, qualification and level of responsibilities.

The Committee may call upon independent professionals to advise the latest development on industry practices, in respect of the remuneration of Directors.

The Committee shall recommend to the Board, the remuneration of Directors for the Board’s approval except that the Directors’ fees and meeting attendance allowance (for all Directors), medical expenses and other claimable benefits (only for Non-Executive Directors) are tabled to the Board for recommendation and thereafter to the shareholders at general meetings for approval. No Director shall participate or vote on the deliberations and decisions concerning his or her own remuneration.

The Committee shall discharge their responsibility on reviewing and monitoring the implementation of the Policy on a regular basis to reflect current best practices to the Company. The Committee shall further discuss on any amendments to the Policy as and when required and recommend the same to the Board for approval.